5 ways to manage your business mileage!

5 ways to manage your business mileage!
Photo by Dan Gold / Unsplash

Pen and Paper:  Outdated, time consuming and inaccurate however, much of the UK still logs business mileage for tax reimbursement manually. Remember, all UK mileage logs need to be kept for 5 years - that's a lot of trees!

Spreadsheet:  A step up from pen and paper and it's presented clearer although, still prone to inaccurate data recording.  Have you ever rounded your mileage up in to save time?

Online calculator:  Many of these tools exist.  The problem is it's still not a reflection of the true cost.  To and from destination logging misses key data such as car type and emissions. A calculator tool would need to be used in conjunction with a tool, such as point 1 and 2.

Company expense platform:  Many organisations now use expense tools for logging business expenses.  This is a great way to capture data and manage reimbursement but, comes at a far greater financial cost to the organisation.  Many expense tools still lack an accurate tracking feature therefore, manual input is still required.

Mobile app:  By far the most accurate of the bunch. Most applications on the market are fully automated, reduce administration time and come at a fraction of the cost when compared to corporate expense tools.

For more information head over to Psngr and try our mileage expense reimbursement tool for free.